Dr. Sofia Deloudi
Up to my early thirties, my main interest revolved around science. I had built my life and career around my curiosity about how the world works. I studied physics and chemistry and did my PhD in materials science at ETH Zurich, followed by years in research and later in the high-tech industry.
My interest in nutrition only started to evolve as my health gradually declined. I struggled with weight gain, IBS, PCOS, and endometriosis. Confronted with so many contradictory messages about nutrition in mainstream media, I decided to delve into the topic myself in the same manner I was used to tackling any other topic in my scientific work.
Soon, I realized that the standard low-fat, high-carb advice I had been following up to that point was not working for a reason (called insulin resistance), and I started looking deeper into the science of low-carb and ketogenic diets.
With time, I became increasingly aware of health issues that were showing up in my immediate environment, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, type I diabetes, type II diabetes, and Alzheimer's. But there was no discussion about what the individual can contribute to the therapy through their lifestyle and nutrition. There seemed to be a lack of knowledge on these topics, not only in the general population and the mainstream media but even in the community of healthcare professionals.
The standard medical advice lacks a focus on the importance of nutrition, and nutritional advice is confused and confounded by weak science. Food questionnaire surveys, a mixup of correlation and causation, and financial biases are just a few of the problems.
It might be due to my scientific background or due to my character, but in any case, I find myself deeply annoyed and upset when I observe people who try their best to follow the advice they are given but follow false advice and, as a result, get worse.
This is why I have dedicated my career to promoting metabolic health through lifestyle and nutrition. I want to help people find their own way to better health like I did back then. And I want my kids to grow up in a world that is aware of the detrimental effects that sugar and processed foods overconsumption can have on our health, as well as their addictive nature!
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My coaching is for you, if:
you want to incorporate a scientific approach to diet, but are struggling with the habit change and have difficulty in finding the right information.
you are interested in trying a ketogenic diet and are looking for support and resources for this transition.
you want to find trustworthy information on how to get rid of your sugar cravings and lose excess weight.
you want to make sustainable changes to your diet and want a well-informed sparring partner for your thoughts and for discussing your personal challenges.
What people on Amazon say about
Laura S.
As a type 1 diabetic, I found this book to be incredibly helpful. Dr. Sofia Deloudi's book on metabolic health and nutrition offers practical advice and scientifically proven information on a wide range of topics. Her clear and easy-to-understand presentation of complex topics makes this book accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge about nutrition and wellness.
I am a highly visual person; its much easier for me to grasps concepts and facts if I can SEE or visualize them. This book does just that! IT takes the fluff out of typical health, diet and nutrition books and packs it with short easy to read, digestible content with science, research and colorful images on EVERY SINGLE PAGE. This book is like a handy infographic resource. Tons of info and portrayed in a fun, easy to digest manner.
Oliver K.
Food For Health certainly has coffee table appeal. It was interesting to discover the negative effects certain foods/drinks can have on your body and metabolism. When you understand this, it's so much easier to focus on the right things to eat. The book is packed with pictures to illustrate points and the information is explained in a clear and easy to understand way. This is an excellent book for anyone wanting to make nutrition a priority!
Food For Health Book
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